Betul ke Osama dah mati seperti yg dilaporkan oleh media2 mainstream barat? Banyak persoalan yg akan bermain difikiran, lebih2 lagi apabila kita semua sedia maklum dengan tabiat pembohong US dan medianya sejak dulu... Walaupun begitu pun media2 dan pemimpin Malaysia percaya bulat2 berita ini tanpa usul periksa, dan ternyata salah satu element penting dalam berita ini memang confirm palsu, iaitu gambar mayat Osama yg dibuat menggunakan photoshop...
Kalau korang rajin search kat internet ni, memang dah banyak pandangan2 lain yg disebarkan antaranya... Keraguan tentang kenapa mayat Osama disemadikan di laut, Osama sebenarnya dah mati tahun 2001?, kepentingan timing pengumuman berita ini, sebagai taktik untuk mengalih perhatian penduduk dunia, dan macam2 lagi theory lain...
Ape2 pun WP nak share kat korang video2 dan link2 yg mungkin akan dapat beri sedikit perubahan perspektif kepada korang berbanding dengan ape yg dipaparkan oleh media arus perdana... Terpulang la kat korang nak buat kesimpulan sendiri...
World Peace 4 All, Jom layan...
Osama Bin Laden Body Headed for Burial at Sea, Officials Say
ABC News' Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) reports: Now that bin Laden has been killed and his body has been positively identified, what is to be done with his remains?
U.S. kills Osama bin Laden
Al Qaeda leader dies in a firefight near Pakistan capital. 'Justice has been done,' President Obama says.
THE UGLY TRUTH...OH, C’MON!! U.S. official: Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea
Osama bin Laden’s Second Death
If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans.
Inside Sources: Bin Laden’s Corpse Has Been On Ice For Nearly a Decade
A multitude of different inside sources both publicly and privately, including one individual who personally worked with Bin Laden at one time, told us directly that Osama’s dead corpse has been on ice for nearly a decade and that his “death” would only be announced at the most politically expedient time.
Media Runs Fake Photo To Illustrate Bin Laden Death Propaganda
Killing Osama bin Laden is a pretty big deal. You’d think that it would be in the interests of US forces to take a snapshot of the elusive terror leader to milk the propaganda value of such a momentous turn of events, and yet the corporate media has given us nothing but a years old fake picture. This makes little sense, unless of course, somebody is trying to hide something, namely the fact that Osama’s dead corpse has been on ice for the best part of a decade.
Staged Osama Assassination: Get Ready for More War
If the cheering crowd at midnight outside the White House is any indication, the American people are ready to support more mass murder in the Middle East.
Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time
Given Bin Laden’s documented kidney problems and consequent need for dialysis, government officials, heads of state and counterterrorism experts have repeatedly opined that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead for some time.
Beyond the Bin Laden Stunt; The Dire Implications of This Latest Surreal Ploy
The implications of "Osama Bin Laden" being "killed" in the heart of Pakistan, just miles from the nation's capital of Islamabad, are dire indeed.
Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
Bin Laden's voice was detected regularly until [14 December 2001] by intelligence operatives monitoring radio transmissions in Tora Bora, according to the Pentagon [details]. Since then, nothing has been heard from the al-Qa'eda leader and President Bush has hinted in private that bin Laden's silence could mean he has been killed. [Telegraph, 12/28/2001]
Image of dead bin Laden fake: Pakistani TV
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani television stations Monday withdrew an image broadcast of the purported body of Osama bin Laden after his killing not far from Islamabad overnight, saying the picture was a fake.
Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake
An image purporting to show Osama bin Laden's bloody corpse, right, is a composite of two separate images, left and centre. Photograph: twitpic